123 Times People Couldn’t Believe Their Luck In Thrift Stores, Flea Markets, And Garage Sales (New Pics)

The internet is full of wonderful communities—large and small—that brighten our day. In our opinion, one of the most fun online communities to follow is the ‘Weird (and Wonderful) Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared’ Facebook group.

Created just over 6 years ago, in late 2016, the group is home to a jaw-dropping 2.7 million members who enjoy secondhand shopping, thrift stores, and garage sales. They absolutely love sharing the weirdest and coolest things they’ve stumbled upon during their adventures, and the photos are wonderful. We’ve collected some of their most impressive recent finds to share with you. Scroll down and upvote your fave pics. And be sure to let us know which of these you adored the most!

If you’re in the mood for some more thrifty fun, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. You’ll find Bored Panda’s recent features about the group right here, here, and here.

Bored Panda has reached out to the team running ‘Weird (and Wonderful) Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared,’ and we’ll update the article once we hear back from them.

More info: Facebook | Facebook (HQ) | Instagram

It Definitely Came Home With Me. Its Stamped With Sterling On The Back And The Charms Seem Old. I Tried To Google Info On The Company But Couldn’t Find Anything. It Will Be A Great Addition To My Charm Collection

Amy Hahn Report

The ‘Weird (and Wonderful) Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared’ Facebook group was first created as a way for the founders to share wacky secondhand finds with their family and friends. It was first meant to work like a photo archive or “some sort of strange museum.”

However, the community soon took off, and the founders began welcoming more and more members into the group. Everyone’s encouraged to share pics of “odd, unusual, and wonderful pieces” that they come across while “thrifting, visiting yard sales, estate sales, antique stores,” and elsewhere.

I Thought It Was Too Good To Be True When I Saw This White Rabbit (And Other Maximalist Decor). My Daughter And I Raced There With Our Fingers Crossed Hoping That No One Nabbed The White Rabbit. Honestly, I Imagined It Being A Foot Or Two High, Like A Door Stopper Type Of Decoration. When We Got There And I Saw A 4’ Rabbit I Coupdnt Stop Laughing.

Michelle DiChiara Report

The community is incredibly active, and the fun thing is that you don’t actually have to buy the cool or bizarre stuff you found to share a picture of it on the group. If you come across something that you feel will make people’s day, take a snap, and post it! If the moderator and administrator team feels like your pic’s a good match for the community, they’ll approve it.

However, due to the popularity of the group, far from every photo will get the green light. Don’t feel discouraged if your find doesn’t end up getting featured. “Just keep hunting for something new to post in the future,” the team running the community writes.

It Was Untested So I Wasn’t Sure If It Would Work. 4 Hours Of Cleaning Later And It Looks Beautiful! I Ran The Pump And I’m Sure It Will Work Once I Get Some Mineral Oil And A New Bulb For It

Alyssa Adams Report

Because the volume of messages and posts that the team gets is humongous, the mods and admins are no longer informing people about why their posts have been declined. You can read the detailed posting guidelines in detail right over here. The rules are rather lengthy, but they help maintain the quality and digital health of the Facebook group.

Community members are also asked to be polite, courteous, and to keep their comments appropriate. What’s more, they’re asked not to engage with spammers and trolls. Facebook users are expected to understand that this is a place for “lighthearted fun and shenanigans.” If you’re ever in doubt about how (not) to behave, err on the side of kindness.

During a previous interview, Bored Panda learned about the roots of the ‘Weird (and Wonderful) Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared’ group.

“My family and friends have always had a love and passion for interesting and unusual things, and we had been texting each other photos of items that we saw (and often purchased) in thrift stores and at yard sales for years,” one of the group’s co-founders told us a few years ago.

“My best friend and I were chatting on Christmas Eve one year and it occurred to us that it might be more fun to share our photos in a Facebook group, rather than via text so that it would be easier to go back and see what each of us had found, and to have a record of what we had seen through the years,” the co-founder told us.

“It really all started as a gathering place intended for our friends and family but we left it as an open group purely because it never occurred to us that anyone outside of our circle would share this odd interest we have.”

Eventually, word about the group spread. “I panicked for a moment but then I thought, ‘Heck, it will be intriguing to see what other people have to share. Why not?’ Originally, we expected to have about a dozen members; when strangers started joining, we thought maybe we’d get to a hundred. Now, three years later, we’re approaching the two million-member mark!” they shared with Bored Panda before.

“Who knew that what we all thought was a niche hobby actually has a huge passionate community behind it that just needed a clubhouse to gather in? Witnessing how people connect in this group is what keeps us passionate about running it. I personally put between thirty and forty hours a week into moderating the group but every time I see how much joy it brings people, I’m reminded why it’s worth doing all the work it takes.”

It Appears To Have Been Originally Carved From A Single Block Of Wood. The Feet Broke Off Because When He Went To Buy It His Hand Started Shaking Real Bad, But That Doesn’t Make It Mean Any Less To Me And Since The Umbrella Is Still Attached To The Base I Feel Like It’s Still A Single Unified Work.

Brian Burgess Report

It’s Around 4 1/2 Feet Tall, And There’s A Date Written On The The Back Of It- January 1964. I Keep Finding Myself Staring At It And Wondering Where It’s Been And Who’s Looked Into It. Definitely Going To Treasure This For The Rest Of My Life

Brittany Zapata Report

The co-founder of the group praised the community for how supportive the members are of each other. “When someone mentions having a bad day, or being ill, or just needing a bit of a morale boost, the community comes out in droves to offer support. We constantly see members lifting each other up, sending each other gifts, and enthusiastically embracing each other’s quirks on a daily basis.”

Meanwhile, another side-effect the community had was that it sparked and renewed an interest in secondhand shopping for quite a few people. “They’re starting to see secondhand stores in a different light. We hear all the time from members who haven’t been thrifting in a long time or have never really been interested in it, and now can’t wait to go out treasure hunting,” the co-founder said. “It’s truly beautiful to see people celebrating their weird with fervor.”

Recently, Bored Panda covered how inflation is changing people’s approach to shopping for clothes. More people are cutting back on costs wherever they can, so naturally, they’re eyeing lower-priced items in places like secondhand stores.

However, secondhand shopping isn’t just great for your wallet. More ecologically-minded shoppers will tell you that it’s a great way to fight for a more sustainable lifestyle. Especially when it comes to clothing.

Every Few Months For The Last 16 Years Of Ebay Shopping, I Would Search For “White Gold Garnet Or Ruby Ring” And Every Variation Of Wording. My Grandma Bell Gave Me The Original Ring When I Was 13. It Was Too Large So My Dad Took It To The Jewelers To Have It Cleaned And It Was Resized. In The Time The Ring Was In The Shop, My Dad Passed Away Very Suddenly From A Brain Aneurysm. He Was 39 Years Old. I Got It Back The Day Of His Funeral. I Loved The Ring. It Had So Much Meaning For Me. Somehow I Lost That Ring When I Was 17. I’m Now 40. I’ve Literally Been Searching For This Ring For Over Half My Life! It’s Even My Size Already, 5-3/4 So It Was Obviously Sized At Some Point. Makes Me Wonder If It Is My Actual Ring!

Kirsten Bell Benson Report

The fashion industry is responsible for around a tenth of the total carbon emissions on our planet. Moreover, 85% of all textiles are thrown away each year, according to the UNECE’s 2018 report. The global apparel market was worth around 1.5 trillion dollars in 2021, according to Statista. By 2026, it’s predicted to grow to a whopping 2 trillion dollars. With this in mind, secondhand shopping and reselling clothes become vital parts of a more sustainable Earth.

This Is The Writing Of My Great-Grandmother. I Am Guessing She Gave These To My Grandmother And They Never Got Planted…until Yesterday! What A Great Story This Will Be, Especially If I Get Tomatoes To Grow

Jennifer Morris-Snyder Report

He Got To Talking To A Gentleman That Was Fixing His Edger And The Guy Said He Had Inherited The Bird House And Had No Use For It Anymore. I’m Dancing Up And Down With Delight! It Has Some Hail Damage But That’s Okay It Will Be 20 Feet In The Air. The Birds Will Love It I Hope

LaSandra Wilkinson Report

This One Is From Facebook Marketplace In Cincinnati, Ohio. It Needs Some Reinforcing To Be Functional On The Right Side, But I Am Elated To Add This To My Collection!

Emily Eileen Report

I Grabbed It. I Am So Surprised To See It Is A Super Cool Village Made By The Cat’s Meow. There Are Town Pieces Like A Church, Police Department, Veterinarian, And A Book Store. There Are Houses Like The Painted Ladies. There Are Nursery Rhyme Pieces Like Peter Pumpkin And The Old Lady Who Lived In A Shoe. I Have 6 Light House Replicas. Plus A Town Statue, A School Bus, A Fire Truck, A A Sail Boat.

Amy Dugger Report

I Took The Gamble On Buying What I Assumed Was A Clock, And It Is. But I Had No Idea That It Was An Adorable Little Interactive Clock That Smiles At You

Anthony Zerante Report

We’re Getting Ready For A Skullful Hot Summer!!! I Wanted To Share This Since Most Of The Items Are Second Hand And My Weird Love For Skulls (Except The Pillows, Lights And The Rug) And I Paid $2.00 For The Skull Dress

Danyelle Bridgewater Report

To My Astonishment Someone Said “Let Me See If Mine Are Still In The Junk Pile”. Holy Hold My Breath Moment. I Was Able To Pull Them From The Trash And They Are My Favorite Treasure

Melinda Roberts Report

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