Management Goes Ballistic On 1 Of 2 Employees Still Left In Their Store, Employee Makes Them Regret It By Acting His Wage

Every time you hear a story of a boss doing what many (not all, mind you) do best, i.e. screwing themselves as well as their own business over, you begin to half expect what and how it’ll all happen.

What you probably don’t expect is to what degree the boss will go. And if this next one doesn’t take the cake, then you gotta agree that he’s way up there on the horrible boss scale.

One Redditor shared a malicious compliance story that included a shirtstorm of events culminating in an even bigger shirtstorm, all because the boss channeled his borderline power trip.

More Info: Reddit

You can’t but appreciate a good story of a boss done goofing so epically his business turns to dust in a heartbeat—all of which could have been very much avoided

Image credits: Jon Fingas (not the actual image)

OP, Reddit user u/EricCartmenez, shared a story of malicious compliance from back when he was 19, fresh out of school, and in the market for a job. Not too long after, he was picked up by a company that made phones, TVs and other electronics to work as a full-time sales assistant.

At first, Eric did things like create marketing material, process manuals, tag products and other assisting tasks. 3 months later, the company decided to establish a physical presence, a store. So they quickly rounded up a team of 5 people—a manager and 4 sales assistants—to head it. Eric was among them.

The story goes that a teen wanting to prove himself came to a company that expected a lot but paid peanuts in return

Image credits: u/EricCartmenez

Immediately, there were problems. The first thing they understood was they had no clue how to handle returns and warranty cases. Until that point, all sales had been done without a storefront. Now that there was one, folks started bringing in their electronics despite buying them not from the store. And a decision was made to not accept them. Which angered a lot of people. To a degree where they started making the store’s employees’ lives difficult.

But that was just the beginning. OP noted loads of other red flags: no access to fresh water, fridge, microwave, and bathroom onsite, resupply chains were extremely unreliable, management incompetence, general demotivation, and ever-increasing demands from higher-ups.

On top of that, the conditions were so horrible, institutions had zero hesitation to perform inspections as soon as they were notified

Image credits: u/EricCartmenez

At this point, 2 assistants quit already, and the manager broke under pressure. So, OP thought this was the perfect time to capitalize on the situation and, with hard work, to earn a good reputation. Spoiler alert: that didn’t work.

After relentless mismanagerial escalations, 3 of 5 people left, and the young lad, OP, decided to prove himself to further his career

Image credits: u/EricCartmenez

Image credits: Sebastien Bonneval (not the actual image)

3 months worth of pulling 60 to 70-hour work weeks, taking on the manager’s role, and being just one of two available employees when there should have been 5 was simply too much. The bosses weren’t pleased. And, in fact, despite all that, he still got flak for sub-par performance and was told to “just do his [flippin’] job”

Cue malicious compliance.

Spoiler alert: that did not go well as his 60 to 70-hour work weeks did not amaze anyone, so he decided to do the next best thing—malicious compliance

Image credits: u/EricCartmenez

The next day he came on time, ready to fulfill his duties as a sales assistant. First tech-support call, he explained to the customer he couldn’t do anything to help—after all, he was just a sales assistant. Next up, a shipment came in. He couldn’t sign to accept it. Why? He was just a sales assistant. That was beyond his scope of work.

Not 30 minutes later, boss-man showed up, demands an explanation. OP maliciously complied, explaining what he was not doing and why he was not doing it. Because he wasn’t the manager, he was being paid half of what the previous one got. So who was supposed to do the work now? OP did offer his services for double what the previous manager earned, but the boss literally laughed in his face. OK then, good-bye!

Malicious compliance meant doing just what he was told to do, i.e. sales assistant stuff and nothing more

Image credits: u/EricCartmenez

After quitting on the spot, his colleague also quit. OP also notified some government institutions on the questionable work environment for good measure, and found legal representation to make sure the company paid up. The store had to be completely closed for 2 weeks.

Oh, and the best part: a month after quitting (and subsequent paycheck lawsuit), OP got a call from the boss-dude offering him the manager job for double pay as nobody else was willing. Well, the rate went up to 4× the manager’s wage. Because he was laughed at. In his face.

Well, long story short, it became ugly really quick. No deal. But guess who got the bitter end of the deal?

This meant that products weren’t accepted, tech support was not provided, and I can bet a lot of other undisclosed things were left undone

Image credits: u/EricCartmenez

Folks online loved the story. Many enjoyed the satisfying “boss doubles back when things go wrong” ending. And they never seem to learn.

Others came to the comment section with a friendly reminder to always do a little more, but not too much. There has to be an equilibrium in life, and if it’s not maintained, it can turn sour really quickly.

In the end, the bosses were pushed into a corner so hard, they had to accept the young kid’s deal of a double salary, but he changed his mind, and nor it was quadrupled

Image credits: u/EricCartmenez

Image credits: Brooke Winters (not the actual image)

Yet others shared similar stories. Sadly, it has happened on more than one occasion in this day and age. But that just means more opportunities to teach no-good bosses a lesson to never mess with the people who make sure their business stays in business.

Needless to say, that didn’t go well with the managers, but that was none of anyone else problem but theirs

Image credits: u/EricCartmenez

The post managed to garner nearly 22,000 likes, with a 94% positivity rating, with a handful of Reddit awards and nearly 500 comments. You can check it all out here.

But, don’t go just yet. Yep, the comment section awaits you, your thoughts, stories or tips on how to best deal with mean management.

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